Authentication, not identification
The basic principle of the Veintree system is to ensure that your access to a given system or service is indeed authorized. Veintree authenticates these previously acquired access rights, without identifying who you.
For example, when making a purchase, you can authorize the payment via Veintree, without revealing a single item of personal identification (the merchant receives the payment, but everything else remains between you and your bank). Of course a company has the right to identify which employees are accessing its systems, however that aspects is not managed by Veintree.

solution that respects your rights
Veintree and its partner SUSE offer governments and organizations which respect peoples' fundamental rights, the option of complementing their identification systems with an authentication system.
This is an entirely open source approach, adopted to ensure that the world's citizens are treated equally and with respect for their rights, without governments having access to their privacy and Internet access data.
individual sovereignty
The Veintree system was entirely designed and developed according to the principles of individual sovereignty and control over private data, knowing that an increasingly connected digital world makes confidentiality and respecting for privacy much more difficult.
That is why the Veintree approach, which we call "ethical biometrics", incorporates several protective measures.

The benefits of ethical biometrics according to Veintree.
We will
be addressing the benefits of ethical biometrics in several upcoming
blogs focusing on the ethics of protecting Internet users, as well as the ethics of
data processing and protection. These approaches are at the heart of the
"Ethical Biometrics" label that the AuthEnTHICAL Foundation proposes
to award to companies that respect their commitment to protecting Internet